Frequently Asked Questions

Is Bevy Sales Rules Free

Yes, Bevy Sales Rules is absolutely free for all users. There are no hidden charges.

How Do You Install Bevy Sales Rules

Just go over to our Shopify App Store page and click install. It’s that simple. No liquid code manipulation is required.

How Do You Change Prices In Bevy Sales Rules

Step 1: Click on Bulk Price Change in the dashboard

Step 2: Choose Filter and Update

Step 3: Set Price Update Type and Amount. More information on that can be found in our academy article for Price Updating.

Step 4: Set your desired filters to select the group of products that you want to change prices for. More information is provided in our academy article for Product Filtering.

Step 5: Schedule the time for changing prices if you want to in the scheduling option. Or you can skip this step if you want to change the prices immediately. For more information, visit Price Change Scheduling.

Step 6: Click on Start Bulk Price Adjustment

And you’re done!

How Do You Create A Sale In Bevy Sales Rules

Step 1: Click on Create a Sale in the dashboard

Step 2: Choose Filter & Create A Sale

Step 3: Set Sales Discount Type and Amount. More information on that can be found in our academy article for Sales Discount Updating.

Step 4: Set your desired filters to select the group of products that you want to add to your sale. More information is provided in our academy article for Product Filtering.

Step 5: Schedule the time that you want to run the sale for in the scheduling option. More info can be found in the Sale Scheduling article.

Step 6: Click on the Schedule Sale option.

And you’re done!

Can You Have Multiple Price Changes Activated At The Same Time In Bevy Sales Rules?

Yes, you can have more than one one price change active in your store using Bevy Sales Rules. But what products are affected by which price change will be dependent on the time in which the price change was applied. If two price changes are affecting the same product, then the price change that was applied first will have effect on it. To learn more about this, click here.

Can You Create and Run Multiple Sales Concurrently In Bevy Sales Rules?

Yes, you can have more than one sale running in your store using Bevy Sales Rules. But products affected by the sales that you have set will depend on the Sale Priority that has been set in the Sales Log. The higher the sale is on the log, the higher its priority. To learn more about Priority in Bevy Sales Rules, click here.

Last updated on 30th Dec 2021